Renewal of driving license Kerala RTO


            Section 15 of Central Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 deals with renewal of license and rule 18 of Central Motor Vehicle Rules specifies the forms and requirements for filing the renewal application.

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            A license issued for driving a non- transport vehicle will be valid till the date of completion of 50 years of age of the license holder. A license to drive a transport vehicle will be valid for a period of 3 years only. After the expiry of the validity of a license it can be renewed for further periods, if required by the license holder.  A license for a non- transport vehicle will be renewed for the next 5 years and a license for a transport vehicle will be renewed for next three years if the application for the same Is submitted by the license holder.

         The application for renewal of license can be submitted within 30 days prior to the expiry date or within 30 days after the expiry of the license. In both cases the license will be renewed without any break in the validity of the license. But if the application for renewal of driving license is made 30 days after the expiry of the license, then the license will be renewed only with effect from the date of submission of the application, thereby causing a break in the validity of the license.

           One important thing to take not in this regard is that, renewal driving license will not be allowed after 5 years of expiry of the validity of the driving license. In such a case the license holder has to apply afresh for fresh license and the renewal will be allowed without conducting a driving test. Please see my article on issue of fresh license for further details in this regard.                                                        

           The application for renewal of license has to be submitted before the office of the R.T.O/Joint R.T.O within whose records the license is included at present. The application shall be made in form 9 and in the case of renewal of driving license for non-transport vehicles, a declaration regarding the medical fitness of the applicant in form 1 and an eye certificate in the prescribed format from an ophthalmologist shall also be submitted along with the application. In the case of renewal application of a license for transport vehicles or for persons who are more than 50 years of age a medical certificate in form 1 A is to be submitted in addition to the self declaration of medical fitness in form 1.

           This service can be rendered at fast track counter if the applicant comes in person and the records will be received back after completing all the processing within 30 minutes. Please see my article on fast track counters for getting more details about fast track counters.

          If the service is not rendered in fast track counter, as per citizen’s charter the time prescribed for renewing a license is 5 days. That is my after 5 days the license will be sent to the applicant by registered post in the address entered in the certificate of registration after renewing the license. It has to be noted that in this case a self addressed cover with necessary postal stamps affixed for sending by registered post will have to be submitted by the applicant in addition to the documents already stated above. 
          If the application for renewal of license is made within time as stated above the fee for renewal of license is Rs 300.00. This includes the fee of Rs 250.00 and service charge of Rs 50.00. A late fee of Rs 50.00 per year is payable in case of belated applications.


  1. Is it necessary for the person to be physically present to get the licence renewed?

    1. Hi,
      It is not necessary that the applicant has to be physically present for getting the license renewed. The forms for renewal of license has to be signed by the applicant. If you need any help or further clarification please contact me in my mobile number 9605933311
      With regards

    2. Hi i have applied for driving license renewal through sarathi. parivan site and uploaded all the required documents but cannot make payment. Its getting an error. So can i pay the fees directly to the rto office? Is it possible?

    3. R.T.Office, Kerala: Renewal Of Driving License Kerala Rto >>>>> Download Now

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      R.T.Office, Kerala: Renewal Of Driving License Kerala Rto >>>>> Download LINK

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      R.T.Office, Kerala: Renewal Of Driving License Kerala Rto >>>>> Download Full

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  2. Hi, I have received my DL from Ernakulam RTO for 5 years team (!!) and is expired on December 2012. What should I do now?

  3. You go through my article named renewal of driving license. Everything is explained in that article

    1. my driving license is issued from karnataka. what is the peocedure for renewal in kerala?

  4. Sir,
    When I went to the rto they told me that to renew driving license is through online...But I have not seen any site stating online....How can we fill and download form9 through online??????

    1. You can go to any akshaya center in Kerala State and submit the application online

  5. What is the validity of eye test certificate which can be used for renewal of driving license?

    1. There is no validity for an eye certificate. Latest eye test certificates are required. Since it is not a very difficult to get an eye certificate the question of validity does not arise.

  6. Sir,
    Please provide your valuable instructions to be followed to renew the DL through online application.

    1. You can go to any akshaya center in Kerala State and submit the application online

  7. sir,
    who is licensing autority???
    i mean in gujarat head clerk issues learing licence.
    is this valid??


    1. As per sub section 19 of section 2 licensing authority "means an authority empowered to issue licences under Chapter II or, as the case may be, Chapter III"

  8. Dear sir, I want to renew my driving License.As per your documents ,I have to pay Rs 300 as fees. How do I pay the amount. To which account? Please let me have the link through which I can pay the fees.
    John ,Tiruvalla Kerala. phone 9447054038

    1. Now payment of fees for various services has to be done online. So if you have an account at State Bank of Travancore or State Bank of India, then you can pay the fee online by logging on to If you are not having any acccount in any of those banks, then you will have to go to any akshaya center near your residense and pay the fee and file the applcation online.

  9. Sir

    Is it possible to apply for license renewal 8 months before expiry date

    1. No. it is not possible. There is express provision that the application for renewal of license can be made only 30 days in advance.

  10. Sir,
    First of all I would like to thank you for creating such a blog for the benefit of the people who are not aware of the Transport Office Procedures.

    I have a license from Gurgaon (Haryana) and expiring in December 2013. Is it possible to renew that license from any Regional Transport Offices in Kerala?

    1. Driving license from other states will be renewed only after ascertaining the genuineness of the license by addressing the licensing authority who issued the license.

    2. Thank you sir.
      Is it required to obtain NOC from the licence issuing authority for renewal of licence?

    3. Obtaining NOC from licensing authority is good. But it will not solve the problem. License from other state are not renewed without proper confirmation as the genuineness of the license cannot be ascertained by physical verification. Similarly the genuineness of NOC can also be confirmed by simply looking on it. So what the officer actually want is a letter sent by post by the officer of the other state as a reply to the communication sent from the office in Kerala State regarding the genuineness of the license.

  11. Mr Johnson appreciate ur good work in dissemination right advice .tks

  12. I got indian license in 2006. Now i am working in singapore .I tried to take singapore driving license. After passing the basic theory test here they told me my driving license has no security sticker. So i can't convert it. Is it possible to apply for the new card type license without my presence or Is there any another way to show them i am carrying original indian driving license?

    1. yes you can apply for card form licence without your presence.

    2. Can you elaborate more on this? My licence is book type one and i want to get card type. Since i am working outside of India, i cannot come in person. Please guide me the procedure sinve it is not a renewal one. My licence number is TP/760/digitdigit. I cannot get details of my licence in website as well.

  13. Hi Sir,
    I have a driving license issued from the Thrissur RTO in 1998 and I want to convert it to the card form. Can you please tell what form I should submit and with what all supporting documents?
    S J

    1. I think you will have to apply for duplicate license to get a cart license immediately as only card licences are issued now. Please go through my article about applying for duplicate license for further information

  14. Hi sir i lost ma driving license on dubai and i dont have its copy so wat i have to do get a duplicate one

    1. If you give your date of birth to the PRO of the office from where your license was issued, he can get the list of licenses issued from that office to all persons with that date of birth.After getting the license number you can apply for duplicate license. For this purpose you can either go through my article published in this site about this subject or you can log on to for details

  15. Hi sir i lost ma driving license on dubai and i dont have its copy so wat i have to do get a duplicate one

    1. First you have to get the license number for witch you have to contact concerned RT Office.Then....visit for details

    2. First you have to get the license number for witch you have to contact concerned RT Office.Then....visit for details

  16. Sir, how can I get the Non Objection Certificate on my License? I am going to Australia and how can I use the Indian Driving license there ? Is the NOC a legal document having international acceptance?

    1. on application to the concerned licensing authority ,you will get the NOC.But this is for intra national purpose only. Normaly Indian license is valid in India only.You can obtain International DrivingPermit IDP from your licensing authority to drive vehicles outside the country.

  17. My License is expiring on Nov-5. I have the old book version of the license and my License # starts with EA-xxxx-xx. Original license is issued from North Paravoor. It seems the online renewal works for license No. starting with numerals only. I am asked to go to the original RTO to get this done. Since I am working in Trivandrum , it will help if I can get this done through Trivandrum RTO. Is it possible?

    1. I think it is not possible. Details of license and registration numbers can be entered in the data base only by the concerned offices

  18. I had my DL issued from Guruvayur RTO in 1994. This was valid till 25 Sep-2013. I now have my permanent address under Thrissur RTO. So I did my medicals and eye test and went to Guruvayur RTO to renew and transfer my DL to Thrissur. There I was instructed to first make an application for having my DL details entered into the KMVD database.(I had old sheet type DL). After 3 visits and 3 weeks later, I had the data online. Next I was asked to take particulars from GVR RTO for sumission at TCR RTO. Now finally I got the particulars today. But since my licence had expired since 25th sep, can I use the medicals and eye test done on 23 Sep or do I have to take it fresh? Can I use the particulars and get my licence renewed under fast track mode at Thrissur RTO? Please advice with procedures to be followed.

    1. Usually authorities do not check the details such as the date of issue of the eye certificate or medical certificate. Since your certificate was not very old, there need not be any problem. If you go direct for renewing the license fast track facility will be available for you. Please go through my articles regarding renewal of license, fast track counter, and submission of online applications published in this site. If you have any doubt after that please fee to write to me or contact me. My email address is and my phone number is 9605933311

  19. Reeson
    Hi Sir,
    I have a driving license issued from the Thrissur RTO in 1997 and i lost my DL i don't remember my license number. How will i get a duplicate copy of my driving license

    1. The officers in the office from where your license was issued can trace out your license number if you give them your date of birth. The computer program of the department is having a facility to trace out all the details of license issued to persons with a common date of birth. So they can search for the details relating to your date of birth and from that details your license number can be found out. After getting the license number you can apply for duplicate driving license. For knowing the details of applying for duplicate license. you please go through my article published in this site on this subject.

  20. sir
    What is the process to get a duplicate Driving License if original License lost?

    1. Please go through my article named issue of duplicate driving license published in this site. Everything is explained there.

  21. Replies
    1. Your question is clear. Please elaborate it. I will try to fins a solution to your problem.

  22. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Your question is clear. Please elaborate it. I will try to find a solution to your problem.

  23. sir
    what i do to convert my license in to the card form

    1. I think you will have to apply for duplicate license to get a cart license immediately as only card licences are issued now. Please go through my article about applying for duplicate license for further information

  24. Dear Sir,
    My driving license (2 wheeler) was issued from Kayamkulam RTO office in Nov-1993, which got expired on November 23, 2013. My permanent address and place of residence was under Kayamkulam RTO when I took the license. Later Mavelikara RTO office was formed and at present my address comes under the jurisdiction of Mavelikara RTO office.
    In which RTO office shall I submit my application to get my license renewed. Could you please help me ?

    1. You will have to submit your application for the renewal of license before Sub R.T.Office,Mavelikkara

  25. Sir, i have applied renewal of driving licence by online and fee paid. next step, what is the documents enclosed here with for submitting physical forms to rto office

    1. Yowill have to take print out of the application submitted by you online and submit it before the concerned office,along with the original of the license and self addressed and post office stamp affixed cover.

    2. You will have to submit the printout of the application submitted b y you online before the concerned R.T.Office along with your original license and self adressed and postal stamp affixed cove for returning the renewed license under registered posr.

  26. Dear Sir,
    Im from Trichur, I had taken my driving license from Coimbatore. Now it is expired. Can I renew it in Trichur itself. If so what is the procedure. Im curretly working in Dubai.

    1. You have toapply for renewal of license before the concerned officein Thrissur district. license willbe renewed only after acertaining the genuineness of your license from RTO Coimbatore.

  27. Hi Sir,

    I applied for renewal of license. Actually i need license in card format with chip inside. I have noticed outside kerala, most of the state license have chip inside. I got license last month its not like smart card. Because of this outside india kerala state license is not valid. Could you please tell us how can i get a license card with chip.


    1. Smart card license system is not introduced in Kerala State. let us wait till the system is introduced in our State


  29. For change of address you have to submit an application in plain white paper along with proof of address as provided in Central Motor Vehicle Rule 4. To know about renewal of license please read my article on the above subject from the link

  30. Dear sir, Please accept my congratulations for the excellent help you are providing through your blog. Would appreciate if you can guide me. I carry a driving license from NCR Delhi region (Faridabad) but now we are settled in Thrissur. This license expires next month and please advise if this can be renewed in Thrissur or what is the correct procedure. Thanks in advance. Regards.

  31. sir, I am a postgraduate student doing my md in radiology and have a driving licence valid through 2017 for LMV ( DUPLICATE ISSUED SINCE THE ORIGINAL IS LOST).
    The pathetic condition is, its in a small book format almost damaged to great extent.So please let me know of how to 1) renew online to card format 2) i do have a change in my address issued in 1997 to my new address as in my adhar or passport 3) i belong to attingal rto and after reading most of your blogs for reneval , i went to the online site for entering my licence number which is in format 1111/x/ how do i enter it there which says Eg:-1/XX/2009 in So please let me know how to deal with this...


    dr abit

    1. AWAITING your valuable reply sir....

      regards abit

    2. Since the license is valid upto 2017, you don’t have to renew it now. Since there is a change of address you can apply for change of address. Application for change of address has to be filed in white paper. The total fee for noting change of address is Rs 250/-. Attested copy of passport or Aadhar card has to be submitted as proof of address. When you apply for change of address, you will get a new license in card form in the new address. Number in your book license is in old format. After computerization the license numbers are being issued in a new format. If you go to any Akshaya Kendra, I think they will be able to enter the details in the new format. I hope your doubts are cleared. If you want any clarification you can contact me in my mobile number 9605933311.

    3. You also will have to attach a self addressed cover with sufficient stamp attached to it for sending your license under registeresd post to your present addreess

  32. Dear sir,
    What are the procedure to renew the driving licence from abroad?

  33. Renewal of driving license procedure is same for every body. If you can file the applicartion online from abroad, I think you will have to sent a hardcopy of the application to your relative or friend here, who can directly submit it to the concerned office from where it will be renewed and sent to the address mentioned in the license. You will also have to make arrangements at the post office to deliver it to your relative. Hope it is clear

    1. Thanks a lot sir. Really u r doing a great job. May God bless u and ur family.

  34. sir
    i am passed the lerece test and go for driving test but i failed ...then i didnt get a date for next test ..what am i last test is in november 29 ..please help me

    1. You contact the office from where the learner's license was issued.
      If your learner's license is having validity they will give you a new date for undergoing driving test

  35. Sir,In my license,validity for driveng transport vehicle is expired on 2010.Is it possible to renew the same?
    Non-transport validity till-2027

  36. You can renew the license for transport vehicles. renewal for non-transport vehicles need be done only during 2027.

      is there any time limit for renewing the same (ex.5 years) etc...or at any time(before expiring the validity of non-transport vehicle)

    2. I think the maximum period that can be spent without renewing the driving license is 5 years.

    is there any time limit for renewing the same (ex.5 years) etc...or at any time(before expiring the validity of non-transport vehicle)

  38. you can submit the application for renewal of a license 30 days prior to the date of expiry of the validity of the license and if the license is renewed within 30 days after the expiry it will have continuous validity.

  39. Hello Sir,
    First of all I want to say thank you for the awesome service you are providing. We do not have the pleasure of seeing such altruistic actions in our country so often.
    Second is my questions
    1) I tried searching for more information on Fast track service. I did not find a specific entry about that can you please pint me to the link.
    2) I have applied Online and will make payment via Akshaya center for renewing my license. Its expired 15 days ago. I will take the Ophthalmologists certificate with me along with the receipt for payment and hard copy of application with me. Can I avail of fast track and same day service to renew ? Anything else I should take with me ?
    Thank you so much in advance

    1. Circular regarding fast track counter is published in the link: After filing the application online you have to take a print out of the application and submit them before the concerned office along with the originals of the license and the certificates. If you appear in person and request to give the benefit of fast track counter, i think you will be able to get the renewed license within 30 minutes.

    2. Circular regarding fast track counter can be seen from the link : After filing the application online you will have to submit the printouts of the application(which will include the certificates you have submitted) and the license in original before the officer from where the process has to be completed. If you appear in person and ask for the benefits of fast track counter, definitely you will get that benefit and the license after endorsing the renewal will be given to you within 30 minutes.

    3. Thank You so much sir.
      I did as instructed and followed your directions and was issued the license in 30 minutes as you described. The only difficult thing was had to wait in line for 45 mins to submit the paper work at the fast track counter.
      I submitted the following items.
      1) Print out of online application.
      2) Print out of receipt issued from Akshaya center ( Rs 250 + 50service fee total Rs 300)
      3) Original expired driving license
      4) Ophthalmologist certificate on the same form that printed out as part of the on-line application.

      Thank You so much for helping me and everyone else.

  40. sir, my two wheeler license is from thalassery which is about to expire in 2015 and my four wheeler license is from bangalore RTO. Can i integrate both and have a single license card from kerala?

  41. Usually if a person happen to hold two licenses issued from kerala itself, those two licenses will be combined together and a single license will be issued when such a situation is brought to the notice of the officials. But in the case of a license issued from another state, I don't know what will happen. Why don't you undergo a test for 4 wheeler license and get a proper kerala license for four wheeler endorsed to your two wheeler license. I think this will be the easiest thing to do. However you discuss this with the concerned officers form where the license for the two wheeler was taken and act as per their suggestion.

  42. sir, in the online application page of MVD Kerala, it says original & attested copy of licence to be submitted along with application. Kindly advise if self attestation is enough or Gazatted officer attestation needed ?

    1. You will have to submit hard copy of the application filed online and the original license direct to the concerned office.

  43. sir,
    now i am in ghana west africa,
    when i went for taking my licence
    the authorities said if you hav a valid licence of my country
    i will get licence easily...
    i hold kerala state driving licence..
    but the authorities asked me to give a print out of the original licence.
    how can i get the details of my licence to take a print out of it..

    1. Your question is not clear. You can take a license particulars and submit to the authority. I think this will be enough.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Sir.. My DL is due for renewal in July it is a kerala 4 Wheeler DL from mattanchery, but last 10 years l reside in bangalore.. What is the ideal way of renewing it? Can I renew it online? Or should I change it to bangalore?

  46. I reside abroad what are the steps i need to follow and documents required in order to have my driving licence renewed which was issued in Kochi. It's a book type licence issued in 1994 expiring in July 2014.
    Can I do this online if yes what the website I need to use for submitting the application and payment. What about the eye certificate ? Please send me all the details.

  47. You cannot submit the application online form abroad as you have to submit the printed copy of the application and the original license direct to the concerned office,after submitting the application online. So is is better you send the license to one of your friends or relatives here who can get the required medical and eye certificate from here itself( It is not a big thing if your eyes and ears are perfectly okay. Please go through my articles on renewal of driving license and guidelines to common citizen for making e payment which are published in my site itself.

  48. Dear Johnson,

    It is my pleasure to interact with you as you are an ex. government official and have a deep knowledge on the issues. My case is unique. I own a Kerala Driving license, issued in 1997. Am staying in Mumbai, Maharashtra where the licenses are issued in smart card form. Whenever I was caught by Mumbai traffic police, they tell me my license (laminated one) is a duplicate one and just a colour xerox. As its issued by government, the quality is very poor and the license is in bad shape. So, I am in a dilemma that though I owned a valid driving license, I have to quarrel with traffic police here to prove my part. Please tell me a suggestion


  49. Dear Sir,
    Thank you for all the hard work and sincere efforts you have put in to keep this website useful and informative to the public.
    I have one question regarding the renewal of Kerala State drivers licence.
    I currently live in UK and it might not be possible for me to be present in Kerala at the time of renewing my drivers licence. I understand from your blog that it would be possible for me to apply to renew my licence through a relative or friend. However, would you kindly advice me how I can obtain the eye test certificate if I am not present in Kerala. As part of renewing my drivers licence should I submit a drivers licence from Kerala itself or would it be acceptable if I keep an eye test certificate from UK. Kindly let me know. Many thanks. M. Alfred.

  50. Hi Sir,I possess valid LMV and Heavy vehicle driving licence from RTO Kozhikode.I have also added Trailor,Excavator,Tractor and Roadroller licences to it under SRTO Mattancherry.Currently the licensing authority is SRTO Mattancherry.I have managed to obtain my DL Particulars from SRTO Mattancherry.My permanent address in licence is under RTO Kozhikode.Inorder to renew my licence,where should I submit application?Is it enough that i submit at RTO Kozhikode along with medical/eye test certificate,DL Particular and address proof?Kindly reply.

    With regds
    Shyam Mohan

  51. Hi Sir,

    How to do error correction for my driver's license. In my name an E was missed and I also have correction on my date of birth( had corrected my sslc and passport based on this). How to rectify both?


  52. Sir,
    I have made a mistake in the adress of my leaners licence then what i have to do to change it

  53. Sir,
    I have submitted an application online on 19.05.2014 to Sub, R.T.O, Thalassery for renewal of my driving licence which is valid only upto 07.06.2014. The printout, with all the necessary documents and the Chalan for remitting the required fees along with the original driving licence, medical certificates and declaration and three passport size photographs were sent by on 19.05.2014. Till date, I have not received the renewed licence. Kindly advise me in this regard.

  54. Sir I am submited my licence on 21-march-2014(inward no:8/57331/2014, But so far not received my licence till this date.pls look in to the mater and do the need full

  55. Sir
    I am submited my licence to R T O Thrissur on 21-march 2014 for renewal (iward no:8/57331/2014,But so far not received renewed licence till this date.Sir pls look in to the mater and do the need full
    with regards

  56. Sir, am residing in dubai and i visit kerala for 30 days every year and i dont have licence in india, is there any better solution to get the licence fast

  57. Dear Sir,

    I have got DL in 2004 in booklet format. Due to the usage in last ten years, it has damaged a bit. I want to change it to a card format. when i checked my licence online in the MVD website, I have found that there are some mistakes in the details. My name has given wrongly and the expiry date was also wrong. i.e., instead of actual expiry date 2024 (in booklet) its given as 1900 (in online format). Right now i reside in UAE , kindly let me know what should be done to correct the mistakes and get a card format DL

    1. Mistakes in the license can be rectified by submitting the license with a request pointing out the details. The data entry of licenses were done by kudumbasree people. The mistakes pointed out might have occured due carelessness or oversight. The correct details available in the license with you will be entered in the system. For getting a corrected license I think you will have to apply for a card form.

    2. Thank you very much sir...

  58. Dear Sir

    I hold a UAE driving license. Can we get an Indian driving license based on the UAE driving license. What documents and procedures we have to follow for the same? Hope to hear from you.

    Fiby Francis

    1. A person with a licence from a foreign country has to pass learner's test only. Driving teat and learning time are exempted for him. Please go through circular No 11/2000 published in my site in the name "Issue of Driving License to persons holding valid driving license issued from foreign countries - Kerala RTO"

  59. Dear Sir,

    I hold a book driving license issued from Chalakudy. I am a resident of Kollam. My driving license renewal is due in Dec'14. Which RTO office need I give my renewal
    application Kollam or Chalakudy 30days prior to expiry. R.Madhu

  60. If you apply for renewal of license at
    Chalakkudy, after renewal it will be sent by post to your chalakkudy address. If you find it difficult to receive it you can apply for renewal at Kollam with application for noting change of address.

  61. Dear Sir,
    In our article you said that, a license issued for driving a non- transport vehicle will be valid till the date of completion of 50 years of age of the license holder. But in the photo above the person got the licence for 20 years validity only, not upto 50 years of age. What is the reason?

  62. Fresh driving licences are issued with validity till the date of completion of 50 years or for 20 years which ever comes earlier.

  63. I am currently working in Malaysia and wants to renew my driving license issued by RTA Kannur which expired on 30th December 2014. Is there a way to get it renewed while I am overseas? Thanks

  64. This driving license can be renewed if you entrust it to some of your friend or relates here. They will take it to the concerned RT Office and give to some agents, who will be able renew after completing the formalities

  65. sir,
    iam working now in UAE
    i want KERALA motor drivving License but idont have UAE driving license.
    immidiotly i want kerala motor Driving License within one month.
    i cant stay with above one month in kerla.
    any option?

    1. sir,
      iam working now in UAE
      i want KERALA motor drivving License but idont have UAE driving license.
      immidiotly i want kerala motor Driving License within one month.
      i cant stay with above one month in kerla.
      any option?
      i will come back one month vacation..
      please help me...

  66. Truly an admirable blog. The article is so simple that it can be understood by anyone. I found answers to all that I was looking for. May the Good God bless you for your efforts.

  67. is that drivers license card going to change? i mean the paper one to an atm card type thick one?

    1. Hi,
      When your license in paper or book form is renewed you will be issued with a card license.

  68. Replies
    1. Hi,
      smart card is a card which contains some memory also. This card can be include many details regarding the license holder and this can be read by inserting it in a card reader. But smart card is not introduced so far.

  69. Can yuo please tell me when Smart card will be introduced in Kerala. I Live in shanghai China and here International driving permit is not accepted by China. The only option is to convert my Indian Driving License (Kerala state) to convert it to China License (if I can pass a test) here. But the current laminated Card License issued by Kerala MVD is not accpeted by China authorities as a valid license. They tell me that the License looks fake. I heard that Samrt card driving license launch was due to be by then Chief minster Ommen Chandy on Feb 25th 2016 but the Kerala High court issued a stay as per the petition filed by Do we have the latest status on this and can yuo please let me know if we have any progress on the Smart Card license program.

  70. Also please let me know if I have any other options (like getting the license trasnferred to another state that support smart card)other than waiting for kerala government

  71. Paper or book form Kerala Driving License is still valid to use? Should I convert it into card form? My DL will expire in 2022.

  72. Hi,

    My Kerala driving license has expired a few months back. As we currently reside out of India, I have not been able to apply for renewal of license in person. Is there a way to apply online for license renewal? Please guide me with the exact steps- website url, details etc. Thank you very much for your guidance in this matter.

  73. Hi,
    The website url is If you have any friends in your native place ( the place from where the license was taken) it will be possible to renew the license without your presence. please call me in my mobile number 9605933311 for further details.

  74. My Kerala license is due for renewal in April 2017. I reside in Bangalore now.
    My permanent address is kerala and current in Bangalore, will kerala RTO accept Bangalore address?

    if I submit renewal application online, will Bangalore doctor certificate be accepted?. If so can I send the application by post to the RTO?

    And till the time I get the license back, what is the proof of my license to drive?


  75. Sir,
    I'm 38 years of age working in Dubai and my license is expiring on July 2017.Is there requirement of eye test certificate as well as health certificate(Form 1A) for renewing my license or only Form 1 is enough.

  76. seamancompanies@outlook.comJune 23, 2017 at 12:41 PM

    I am an insurance agent in the United States and I am trying to help a large population of People from India. Is there a place on the license that indicates the first date of license. Many of the Licenses are from Kerala State and on Form 7. In particular the one I am looking at now has date of Validity of 03/01/2014 to 02/01/2014. Is it possible that this young lady has been licensed before 03/01/2014.

    1. I am sorry, the valid dates are 03/01/2014 to 02/01/2034

  77. Hello Sir,

    What is the procedure to convert old booklet license to new smart card in kerala. What will be the charges.

  78. Sir, I did apply online to change my address in driving licence to Mattanchery RTO. My question is when I get the new licence, it should have with my old photo OR with a new photo which I submitted ?

  79. Dear Sir,

    I want to change the date of birth in my license. Cant find any link in the online application system. Whats the method?


    Varun M R

  80. Dear Sir,

    I am working in UAE I am coming to India for for Annual vacation every year Max 20 days. so i would like to know is it possible to Issue a Driving License during my vacation time?
    I know the Driving and I have a LMV Driving License issued in the Emirates of Dubai. please advice me.


  81. Hi Sir,

    I have Kerala driving license in the old book format and would like to change that to the new card format. Can you please let me know the procedure to get this done as my license is valid till 2025.


  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Dear Sir,
    My licence issued on 2007 and during my house renewal i lost my original licence and afterwards i retrieved it, but in that my pic is almost disappeared/Not visible due to some liquid leakage and rest everything in perfect condition.

    Now I am in AbuDhabi and they required original licence for getting direct test. Licence which written duplicate also not acceptable.

    Presently can I drive in India using this card? / Any fines applicable?
    What can i do for getting a duplicate/Re issue my licence without writing duplicate?

    Awaiting for your valuable suggestion.

  84. Sir,
    next march i need to renew my license. is it need to take another road test?

  85. Dear Sir,
    My driving license is going to expire soon. My address in the DL is from a different district (within Kerala). I was asked to get DL particulars from the old RT office. I wonder, is it possible to get the DL particulars online?

    Thanks in advance

    1. For DL particulars you will have to apply before the Licensing Authority who issued the driving license. I think the application can be filed online by approaching an akshaya center. After filing online application take a print out and submit it direct to the concerned officer.
      You can ask for completing the formalities under fast track counter if the driving license holder applies directly.

  86. Hi Sir,

    My driving license is old type book and it will be expired on 2022, I would like to change to card what can i do and how many days will take.


    Jeethu Vijay

    1. Hi,
      For getting card form license you will have to submit application through akshaya kendra. Go there, file the application and take the print out and go to the concerned office and hand over the application and the book form driving license. You will get card license withing a few days.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. my driving license expired on oct30 2017. i have done all the formalities to get the license renewed through an auto consultant. They took my old DL also. I have gazetted officer attested copy of old DL with me now..till which date is it valid to drive the vehicle with this attested copy?

  89. If your driving license is valid till 30-10-2017 you can drive till 30-11-2017, provided the application for renewal of license has been filed at the concerned office. Ask your auto consultant to submit the application immediately

  90. If your driving license expired on 30-10-2017, you can drive the vehicle till 30-11-2017, provided your application for renewal of license has been submitted at the concerned office. Ask the auto consultant to submit the application immediately

  91. Dear Sir, I took 2wheeler license in Kerala in 1999 and LMV license from Mumbai in 2002.I went outside India to work since 2003 and now getting settled in Kerala.My 2 wheeler license is valid till 2019.Can I transfer my Mumbai issued LMV license to Kerala RTO.kindly advise the procedure.

  92. HI,
    You can submit the application for entering the details of Bombay license in Kerala license before the authority who issued your Kerala license provided you are staying the previous address even now. If you have changed your residence you will have to apply for noting change of address in your Kerala license and for incorporating the details of Mumbai license in Kerala license. This will not be an easy task as law prohibits a person from holding two licenses. Further the genuineness of Bombay license will have to be verified. This will also be a difficult task. So in my opinion, it will be better if you apply for a new LMV license without mentioning anything about your Bombay license. This is more practical and easy ass you know driving well. Any how consult with your licensing authority and act as per his advice. Don't be hesitant to approach licensing authority and explain your problem. He will be very happy to help you in every possible manner. If you need any more clarification call me in my no 9605933311

  93. Hi,
    Procedure for renewing a Kerala licence and other state license are same. But as the genuineness of an other state license has to be verified through correspondence, between the issuing authority and the authority where renewal application is going to be filed, it will take some extra time as there is no possibility of getting a confirmation from the issuing authority. If you need any further information call me in my mobile no 9605933311 because if i go on writing it will take a lot of lines and yet you will not understand the matter.

  94. Dear Sir,
    I have got my car and motor cycle licence from Thiruvalla RTO it has been expired in 2015, as I have been forgot to renew it.I am staying Dubai.I am 52 aged,Can I renew it ,what are the procedures and requirement is required my presents can I send my son for renewal purpose,Please advise.
    Abraham Chacko

  95. Hi,
    As asked in your query, you can send your son for renewing your driving license. But as you are now in Gulf, it will not be possible for him to get medical certificate or eye certificate from doctors. So, in my opinion you can apply for renewal of license when you come to Kerala only. For further clarifications call me in my phone No: 9605933311

  96. Thanks for the reply,Sir if I can eye test certificate from dubai is it OKay.

  97. Hi,
    Medical certificate from Dubai will not be accepted.

  98. Hi, I have given my licence for renewal just 4 days before it expired. Now I am waiting to get the renewed licence. Can I drive a car during this time while I am waiting for the renewed license. Please confirm

  99. Hi, If you have submitted the application before the concerned RTO, then you can drive the car since the RC will be renewed with effect from the date of application, in this case.

  100. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  101. Sir my license expired last week and looking to renew it. It was taken from kerala, but I am in bangalore at the moment. I can send over the forms, but regarding the eye test certificate, can I get it from any ophthalmologist in bangalore and attach it, or does it need to be from any doctor in kerala itself? Any help on this query is appreciated. Thank you

    1. Hi, Eye certificate from other state doctors are not accepted as there is not possibility to verify the correctness of such certificates
      Regards. Johnson

    2. Hi,
      Medical certificate from doctors outside the area of the concerned office are not generally accepted as there is no chance to verify the genuineness of such certificates.

  102. Hello Sir,

    What is the procedure to correct the DOB from my DL.


  103. Dear sir,
    Appreciate your valuable advice given through your blog.
    My wife's driving license is expired on June 2017. She took license from Malappuram RTO office (kerala) . currently our address is in kottayam. Last month we visited India (we work in Kuwait) , Application was submitted to receive the particulars and got Eye certificate done. Due to short vacation, we could not give application in RTO office (kottayam) for the license renewal. Can this be given now in our absence. How much will be the late fees (less than a year), what all forms needed to attach, can we pay online /submit application online. Please guide in this regard.

  104. I am in Dubai. My License expires Feb 2018.License issued from Alappuzha and now staying in Ernakulam. If proof residence is required it is Ernakulam address. March or April i may come to kerala so I may have to do in fast track way. Do i will face any problem of residence address if submit in RTO Alappuzha ? Can I submit in Ernakulam ?

  105. Dear Sir,

    My DL from Pondicherry is expiring shortly. I have the following queries:

    1. Are all these documents - Form 9, 1, Eye Certificate, Passport copy for residence, Aadhar and NOC required?
    2. Any other document other than these required? Is form 1A required?
    3. Are there any forms or format available for getting NOC from other, in my case, Pondicherry RTO?
    4. What is the verification process? Is it possible to speed it up?


  106. Hello Sir,

    This is a very informative site, thank you. I was not aware of the not more than 30 day rule regarding renewal of License. I applied online and my application and payment were accepted but my license expires only on 21-04-2018. So does that mean that my application cannot be submitted at the fast-track counter.


  107. Dear Sir,

    I am working in abroad my driving license already expired in June 2016 and I have paid online for renewing it last August 2017 and took all document printout when I went on last vacation I could not submit the same to RTO but now again I am planning to visit India by next week please advise me now again I have go pay money or last paid amount is enough to process the renewal.

  108. Sir I have a lmv tamilnadu licence and now I shifted to kerala kadakkal kollam.
    now I have to change my address on the licence and I get a noc from tenkasi rto...and I submitted my original licence for address changing in kottarakkara joint rto office...I want to know how long it should take sir??? Please reply soon

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. Sir - Can you help me find doctors and ophthalmologist at Trivandrum who can sign and certify for my driving license renewal ? what are the typical fees for this ?

  111. Sir, My DL need to to renew on this October .The DL is from Calicut and how to renew it in cochin. I am having an Electricity bill in my name.

  112. Sir , My driving license is in the format (xxxx/03/D) issued on 2003. When I tried fetching the details online on , it is not accepting the license format which I have. Kindly help me with this.

  113. Sir,
    Do you have a list of approved doctors for medical and eye test in Thiruvananthapuram? If not where can I get reference from?

  114. Hi,

    My husband's driving license was issued in Bombay. As he noticed that his license card has lost its clarity. & he is thinking to apply for a new license, can it be done in Kerala (Muvattupuzha home town) ? If yes, what is the process and documents that's will be required. We are presently settled in UAE.

    Awaiting your response.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi,
      As the licence was issued form Bombay, i do not know the procedures for applying for duplicate license there. A person is not supposed to keep two licenses. Otherwise you could have applied for a new one in Kerala. It is better you call me in my number 9605933311. I will tell you what are the options. It is not possible to explain all the circumstances and the possible solutions here.

  115. Hi. Thank you for your reply. He won't be having 2 licenses. His current license has lost its clarity. It cannot be used. Anyways we have filled the appropriate application form from the RTO site.

    Thank you.

  116. Hello sir, I have a driving license issued by Kottayam RTO that is due to expire next month. The address in the license is of my ancestral home in Changanacherry which is my permanent address. So when I renew my license should I approach Changanacherry RTO (which is near my home) or Kottayam RTO who had issued my license. Also, do I need to furnish any address proof while I apply for renewal? I live and work in Bangalore for the last 6 years and my passport has my Bangalore address. But for my driving license I would like to continue with my Changanacherry address. Thanks very much in advance for your help.

  117. Hello Sir, Thank you for your excellent service to the general public.
    My problem is that I have applied for renewal of DL which is due on 22 Nov 2018 in Sep 18. i forgot the date and time of transaction and could not get a print out of the application form. also my computer got crashed in between I have no ref. to the above. Can I get the application renewal form details by any means. Thank you in advance for your valuable efforts
    Sabu xavier

    1. After entering the details in the concerned pages, you will have to take a print out of the application and submit it along with Deriving licenc and medical certificate before the concerned RTO

  118. Dear sir
    i want to renew my has expired five years ago.but my licence allow me drive private vehicle until 2025. one years ago i paid 2200 for rta .i have that reciept.can you advice me for next step.

    1. Since your license to drive transport vehicles expired befoe 5 years, it cannot be renewed furhter.But if you remit the fee and apply for fresh license the RTO will re-issue the license after conducting appropirate tests as decided by him

  119. old licence was issued from koyilandy jrto . devided and start function perambra now .is it compelsory to apply koyilandy alone for licence renewal.

  120. Hi

    Do I have to take Eye Test for that ? If yes from where should I take the test ?

    In my original license D.O.B is printed as wrong. Will that be any issue?

  121. I have driving license from Tamil Nadu RTO chenai .i approached RTO office in home town ,changanacherry and went to RTO asked them how to renew it .but they told me to get details of driving license from Akshaya center and but i could not get it due to no information displayed online .So please let me know how i can renew it .

  122. My driving licence was expired on 03 November 2019, is it legal to drive vehicle with expired Driving licence for next 30days. Is there grace period for it. Please explain

  123. Hi,
    I applied online for my renewal of license and submitted the original to RTO on 06 Jan 2020. however, when checking the application status online (27 Jan), it is still showing appl. received. How many days it will take to print and receive the license through post?

  124. With reference to the above-mentioned subject, kindly be informed that my Heavy Motor Transport license no # 42/2825/2003 has been expired on 15/Sep/2018.

    Name # Sijilkumar P S
    License No # 42/2825/2003
    Transport # 16/09/2015 until 15/09/2018.
    (License Details attached)

    I tried to renew the license through online portal, but since it’s expired, online renewal is not possible now.

    I am working in Abu Dhabi (UAE) & not in a position to visit Regional Transport office to carry out the renewal process.
    Considering my present situation, I humbly request you to provide me an option to renew my expired license through online or else please advise the other options available to get my license renewed.

    Looking forward to hear from you.
    Thanking you in advance for your time and consideration

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  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. sir
    i took my license from rto jodhpur 20 yrs before. now it is due for renewal.presently i am settled in trivandrum.but date of expiry of license was 20/02/2020. please guide me how can i renew it

  128. dear sir ഏന്റെ ഡ്രൈവിംഗ് ലൈസൻസ് പുതുക്കാൻ ആയിട്ടുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പുതുക്കുമ്പോൾ ഓൺലൈൻ വഴി തൃശ്ശൂരിലെ ഓപ്ഷൻ കാണുന്നിഇല്ല ഞാൻ ഇപ്പോൾ UAEൽ അണ് ഏന്ത് ചെയണം സാർ

  129. Hi,

    I have Karnataka driving License and need to renew it in Kannur. What is the procedure to do this?

  130. Hi,
    My Kerala driving license expired in Aug 2020. I tried to renew this myself online and then I noticed there was some Blood test and Gender value mismatch the system is pre-filling and got a number generated from online for my Driving license. So, I thought to get it renewed via my old driving school in kerala and they told it would be Rs 1,700/- and they charged me that.

    They told they can't do it since in my name there is already a Registration number generated. Please let me know if the amount of Rs. 1700/- is actually charged to renew an expired license. They told it becomes Rs 4,000/- if renewed after 1 year.
    Also, please let me know when will the aut-registration number generated by the online site will be expired, so that I personally visit and get my Driving license renewed

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  133. Hi..How can I renew my Kerala driving licence from UAE.. it will expire this month. Please advice..

  134. Hi I would like to change the address of DL from TN to KL and having validity of 10 years, whether i need to apply for form 1A and also renewal for the change of address.


  135. I am 38 years of age and I applied for driving license renewal online through sarathi.parivahan site online. But an Eye Certificate from an ophthalmologist is being asked to be uploaded. In my understanding, eye certificate is required for those above 40 years of age.

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